Nation of Holidays
We are a nation of people who enjoy holidays. Whether it is the big season at the end of the year, or those special occasions sprinkled throughout the months, nearly everyone appreciates the chance to lighten up and take a deep breath.
Give Them Something Real
The sentiments of Valentine's Day present the perfect opportunity to communicate genuine feelings to your customers. While it is a great time to communicate genuine appreciation, a word of caution is worth noting. Nothing brings out the cynicism like a clumsy sales pitch wrapped up in a cheesy wrapping. Take the time to reflect on how important your customers are to your business. Don't just slap together some nice-sounding words, work to get something from a sense of heartfelt gratitude.
Customers dismiss a lot of the messages around Christmas and New Years holidays as expected and mere checklist sentiments. Since not everyone thinks of their customers on Valentine's Day, it is all the better an opportunity for you to stand above the crowd. Many customers on this day are holiday-only customers. Any success at getting them back for another visit is a boost to business.
Here are 5 creative ways to say "We Care" on Valentine' Day. Remember it is the message, not the method, to which they will respond.
Love Note #1. Give a personalized gift. Your type of business will decide what is affordable and practical. Perhaps a small customized piece of chocolate will work for you. A well-written note printed on special stock with a better than normal coupon or discount will work for larger groups of customers. If your clients are mainly digital, you can find a special study or human interest eBook that you can offer as a free download. The important thing is to show that you invested creativity and thought in the effort
Love Note #2. Partner with your customer. They are spending to give something to a special person. Pick a Valentine's themed toke to add to their purchase. You might have a supply of small, quality note cards for them to take along and personalize. Ordering in special Valentine's Day bags or tissue can make their gift more presentable to the recipient. Here again, it truly is the thought that will makes the difference.
Love Note #3. Share part of the cost. You can gently let your customer know that you understand they are digging into the pocket to buy yet another holiday gift. Tell them you want to help them make it easy to show their love by giving an attractive coupon to use on the next visit to the store. Consider a BOGO with a "don't forget her/him" message that makes it easy to pick up a second gift or item. Something along the line of "we want to help you make the day special."
Love Note #4. Effective use of your digital media. Again, take time to not end up as part of the clutter. Plan your email with an effective message. There are some awesome email templates available. Depending on your strategy, send the message out early inviting them in for their toke of your appreciation. Make a decision whether a multiple delivery will work. One to invite, one on Valentine's Day and one immediately afterward. We'll keep repeating it to make the point, the message is the key.
Love Note #5. Make it special on the day. If you are in retail, don't settle for stock promo items slapped on the window. Set up a bowl of candy hearts with a large valentine signed by you and the staff. Add a special note on your menus if you manage a restaurant. Whatever your product or service, reach out to touch your customer in a special way that will cause them to take notice of the fact that you took time to care.
Here we go again. It's the message that is the key for Valentine's Day. Sincerity is essential, but this is one day of the year soft sentiments are acceptable. Use the opportunity wisely and your customers will feel your love for the rest of the year.
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