Look around you and you would find that fashion is one art that cannot be phased out of the earth. There would always be the need to look and act in a particular manner. Whilst some have a particular sense of style and what fits their taste, yet others still battle with what fits them. One of the things that have been birth by fashion is beads.
Beads have been in existence from time immemorial. As a matter of fact it emerged centuries ago, but has since continued to evolve and develop to suit the modern trends. The glass bead is a type of bead that is being used today by bead makers. One of the good things about the glass bead is the beauty that it exudes. There are different types of glass beads and they include; wound glass beads, drawn glass beads, molded beads, lampwork beads, dichroic glass beads, furnace glass, and lead crystal.
perfectionist 3 layers: KANDIVAL BEADS |
multi-color martin: KANDIVAL BEADS |
special layers 7:KANDIVAL BEADS |
perfectionist 4 layers: KANDIVAL BEADS |
1 needle spiral - 5 layers KANDIVAL BEADS |
beaded ball of 5- 3 layers KANDIVAL BEADS |
size 8 beads- 7 layers : KANDIVAL BEADS |
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phone: 07081344899
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