
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Five(5) Best Things About Being A Married Woman

Marriages today are nothing like what they used to be even a generation back. Equations have changed. Neither men are looking for in-house pro creators nor are women looking for providers. It is for companionship, love and commitment that people want to get united in the eternal bond of marriage. Here are the five(5) best things about being married.
1. A companion for life time
Marriage certainly eliminates loneliness from your life. It is very tough for a single woman to live an unmarried life. With all your friends and close family living a busy life, being unmarried might make you experience a sense of loneliness. Marriage brings in a sense of companionship throughout your life.
2. Brings in financial advantage
Marriage is financially rewarding. Not only can the married couple get better tax benefits than any single individual, but they can get better investment opportunities specially designed for them. Financial advantage also comes through better sharing and planning. Married couples generally have good understanding about how to share and generate savings, in order to live a better life.
3. Social advantage
Marriage brings for you a distinct social advantage over your unmarried peers (yes, we know sometimes you feel like being single again, but that’s only temporary) People will not pester you with questions like- When are you getting married? Are you dating someone? or other sticky questions.
4. License to do licentious things
Men and women who believe in the institution of arranged marriage or being celibate before marriage look forward to their wedding night with great anticipation. At the same time, being married brings added liberty for the girls who can party till late in the night with their husbands.
5. Gives you a new role in life
Much before being a mother, a woman plays new roles of a wife, daughter-in law and sister-in-law which add new dimensions to her personality. It is not that you cannot have kids without getting married, but having a child by matrimony gives a legal status to the new born and much better acceptance in the society.

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